Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The midwife has just left...

...and i am so very happy right now! My BP is completely normal!!! 100/60!!! It hasnt been that low all pregnancy, I dont think! LOL! And NO PROTEIN! If I had a bra on, I'd jump up and down with glee, but i dont, and id rather not suffocate myself!

She said shes not sure of the babys position, and shes worried it could be breech. if she is still unsure at my appointment next week (37 weeks!!!!!!) then she'll send me for a u/s. i wanted to make it to the end with NO MORE U/S'S!!!! I dont want to accidently see my childs gender-telling parts!

So all is well! although now i have no excuse to not to the cleaning/cooking/etc...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a doctor's appt tomorrow...it's because I am measuring a week ahead. Also there was glucose in my urine but I think it's because I ate cereal right before giving the sample.

My labor bag is packed also...but I still have to pick up the crib!