Sunday, January 15, 2006

Coombe Abbey

We went to Coombe Abbey Country Park today. Ella fed the ducks. I kept getting hormonal. I have a phobia of water, and theres lakes and running water everywhere, so I kept freaking. And then MIL sticks Ella on some huge climbing thing in the adventure playground, and shes up 6.5ft in the air about to nose dive head first down this slide because she doesnt know how else to get out! And so I SCREAMED at the top of my voice "SHES GONNA FALL!" and then once someone had got a hold of her and she was safe, MIL casually chimed up "shes fine!" and I couldnt help but yell "oh yea! she was about to nosedive down the slide and seriously hurt herself. of course shes fine!" then she went to put her on something else and I had to take Ella off her and say that these werent suitable for her age. Then when we were getting close to the lake, I asked for Ella to be put in the stroller and MIL is there, as always, "No, she'll be fine, we're all here!" Thinking it was just due to my phobia of water that I didnt want Ella roaming free... No, shes 19 months old, and would really LOVE to leap at the ducks. "Its shallow enough if she falls anyway" WTF!? so I started strapping Ella into the stroller and she kicked up a fuss and screamed her head off. MIL is there "awww the poor thing, she'll be fine walking!" "YES, and she'll be fine in the stroller too!" Erm... who's her mother?! I AM! jeez!

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