Monday, January 09, 2006

My Ever-growing Belly!

My oh My! I am in shock right now. Unfortunately Chris is working away atm, and I havent had a belly pic taken this week, so i set out to do so myself. AND ITS SCARY! I dont realise Im quite this large when I look down at just that top view of my bump that I am so used to seeing.

Heres me and my attractive features last week at 34 weeks

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And heres me and my hugeos bumpos at 35 weeks

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Im betting the stretch mark fairy will pay me a visit soon! And to think Im desperate to go full-term! LOL! I must be mad!

So what do you think is in there? Boy? Girl? Apparently some people can tell by "the way you're carrying". Please... fill me in!

1 comment:

just for me said...

I think Girl Manda! GIRL, GIRL, GIRL! LOL Good Job on your blog!