Monday, February 13, 2006

My Fatso!

Day 6. The midwife was explaining how they lose weight in the first week, yadda yadda...

"So how much was he born?"
"no, 7-12"
"oh wow - hes 8lbs 1oz already!"

Yay! My little chubber dubber!


Bridget said...

aww he's a cut lil chunk. Sammy was pointing and asking me "who is that" I think she likes him. ;)

Bridget said...

That would be cute not cut. Damn typos

MissRae said...

AWWWWWW!!! He's so adorable Manda. It's so cute that Ella wants to help with him. All your pictures and posts are making me want my new little man here too! Here's to you and your beautiful family!