Thursday, February 23, 2006

My First Day Alone...

Chris is back to work today. I am alone. *sob* So far, so good. And its almost time for Ellas nap! *phewph*. Shes quite good really. She keeps herself occupied. Very independant! She's such a great big sister too. Everyday she does something else which makes me heart melt! She came wandering up to me the other day as I was holding Joseph, and she put a bib around his chin, then went and got the bottle Chris had just made up, and came and shoved the bottle in Josephs mouth! It was so cute! But what made it even cuter, was when Joseph started dribbling milk down his chin, she took the bottle out, and took the bib, and wiped his chin! OMG I melted! She is just so sweet! I never thought such a boysterous toddler could be so loving! She really has stunned me!

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