Monday, February 27, 2006

Gosh its been a while...

like... 2 days or something?! thats crazy for me!

Well yes... Ive been SICK! ugh. It appears I have swollen tonsils. That just keep swelling. BAH!

Friday night I went out! with my friend kirsty! It was pretty good actually! I found £25 on the floor! Bonus! So bought a large amount of alcohol. OOPS! lol.

Yesterday we went to Chris' cousins confirmation. I felt like a big bag of shit and I have strong views about christianity and dont agree with a lot of the catholic teachings. nothin against catholics!!! I am marrying into a very catholic family, and my dads family are catholic. But I had to bite my tongue a few times during the service.

Oh, on Saturday night Chris went to pick his mum and dad up from their friends at midnight, because they'd been drinking, and Chris said

"My mum said some things I never thought I'd hear her say!"
"what about?"
"she thinks the sun shines out your arse!"

Ok so then he went on to say how she was saying how great I was and how attractive I was, and how I have great boobs... WTF???!!! and how intelligent i am, and what a great mother I am, and ive got a cool mum and dad... etc etc. I thought the hatred was meant to be a mutual thing?

Anyway... that me up-to-date!

1 comment:

MissRae said...

Alcohol does some strange, strange things to some people... Chris's mother secretly loves you. Hmmm. Who woulda thunk it???