Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I hate getting angry. Sometimes i get so angry it all boils up in my blood and i scream and want to decapitate someones head. this is very rare, although it has happened twice in 3 days. eek!

So Chris rings MIL just to let her know that Im having a few painful contractions. She will be our transport to the hospital, so its only intelligent that he give her some warning (bare in mind I dont plan to go to the hospital for hours yet. im perfectly fine here. the pain is more than bearable, and i was told to wait til i couldnt hack it any more to go in. Im not hanging around for nothing again!)

Well... MIL takes it upon herself to decide that she needs to get me to the hospital, so packs up at work and tell chris to let me know shes on her way. I DO NOT INTEND TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL! the fact that I have just put Ella up for a nap kinda reinforces that fact!!! and I also thought I could get a few hours shut eye in too. But no. MIL insists she is coming around. And nothing Chris says can stop her. FUCK YOU! if I need anyone here its Chris or MY mum! GRRRR! and now Chris is on his way home from work. Erm... hello... I dont need anyone here! But now they're both coming to have a party with me.

For fucks sake, I just so angry.


MissRae said...

I think mother-in-laws are pushy and overbearing on purpose. either that or it's pre-programmed in a woman's DNA to become an incurable b***h to whomever her son attaches himself to. I'm just sorry you have to deal with it while you're in labor. Lots of hugs and peaceful vibes!!!

Angelique said...

Manda, I just got the NEWS!!!!! YAY ITS A BOY!!!!! I AM SO OVERJOYED RIGHT NOW!!!!! CAN YOU TELL!!!!! Joseph Thomas, perfect!
I cannot wait to hear all about your precious Bundle of Joy!!!! I loved going through all of this with you and reading all about Joseph aka belly bean!
I love you!

MissRae said...

You had the baby!!! I knew it would be a boy! Congratulations, and I adore the name!

Iris said...

Manda, I'm so happy for you and Chris and Ella. Congratulations! I can't wait to hear from you when you're ready! :)

Jodi Steele said...

Manda - Congratulations! Loved seeing his picture on the board! Welcome to the world Joey!