Sunday, February 05, 2006

Jen's Day...

when we all thought she'd win.... NOPE! although theres still 3.5 hours left! hehe.

we were up at 5am and went to L&D. there was no change when they examined me and the midwife just said complete opposite things to what i was told yesterday. It appears my labour has stalled. WOO FUN!

but you'd think at 5cm they'd help me along a bit? break my waters at least! but no...

here i am back at home. I am glad to be here and not there. They said they'd like me to stay there incase anything happened... but theres nothing i can do there to get it going again. I can do the sex, bath, walk thing here lol!

Ive started getting contractions again. Theyre coming, but in no pattern. Theyre strongish too. Maybe not to the point of being called painful, but hey - i got this far without any pain, whos saying i cant go further!

been for a walk, had sex, will have more sex, and sleep lots tonight, and then me and ella will spend ALL of tomorrow walking! LMAO! i will walk til something starts happening! seriously! i plan on exploring the city! hehe. Chris is going to work but he's only going to be half an hour away so that doesnt worry me.

my nipples are sore. i cannot stimulate them anymore! lmao! i shall now leave them be until baby gnaws them raw! they deserve a days rest at least, until they have real work to do!

im very very tired. so I apologise if I fail to update! I'll do my best though :)


Isabelle said...

Good luck! I hope all the sex and walking work very soon!

Kelly H. said...

Manda - sorry that your labour stalled. What an eventful weekend around here and I missed everything. Good luck getting that baby moving (wouldn't be unhappy if it hung in until thursday though!) Take care kid!