Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Trish's Day...

Come on Trish!

Well... as Chris left for work, instead of the usual "I love you, see you later", I got "Do me a favour.... go into labour!" *Manda waves her magic wand*. He seems to think I am delibrately not having this baby.

I have my 39 week appointment today at 2.45. im just gonna get the usual "BP fine, urine fine, measuring fine, any headaches or swelling then call L&D, keep and eyes on movement, see you next week". ugh. give me some excitement woman!

I am SOOOOO tired. Even though Chris and I were in bed at like 9.10pm!!! wth is with that?!? I finally dropped off about an hour afterwards. Ella has started to wake at 7.30 instead of 9.30... not nice. I want to still be sleeping *sob*

I left her awake in bed for like... an hour and a half... then when i finally dragged my lazy arse out of bed, and opened Ellas bedroom door, I nearly had a heart attack. There she was, danging what can only be described as last nights diaper, over the side of the crib! She must have only just taken it off though, because her and the crib were dry :) phewph! my fault for being lazy i guess!

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