Monday, February 06, 2006

Im so silly... I just keep crying!!!...

Please dont ask why Im crying
Its not because Im mad
Its not because Im hurting
Its not because Im sad

These are the hardest days
Knowing its so near
The seconds seem like minutes now
And each day like a year

I really want to hold you
To kiss your little nose
And feel you softly breathing
And count your tiny toes

But I'll wipe away my tears
Because I ought to be
Happy that I've got you
Curled up inside of me

I promise I'll now smile
And enjoy this special time
Cuz it's only for these days
That you're mine, and only mine


Isabelle said...

This is a beautiful poem Manda!

Jodi Steele said...

awwww :*)

Manda! A moment to treasure captured with words....

Sarah Leigh said...


MissRae said...

That is the sweetest poem... You made me cry, Miss Manda! Don't cry. No one wants you to be sad. HUGGS!

Iris said...

manda, i feel for you!! I really do...gosh I so wish things could just happen when we want htem too...hang in there soon you'll be wishingyou are pg again!

Unknown said...

okay yeah, that last post, the one that said it was from Iris, um yeah that was me, I was looking at the coding on her blog and well blogger didn't sign ditto everything that was said just from me =o)

♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

Manda, That is so sweet. Lots of Love....

Manda said...

lmao heather you dork