Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ella held Joey

It was the funniest thing ever! she sat with him on her lap and she was pointing at his nose and his toes and his head and his belly and just saying baby over and over again. after about 2 or 3 mins, chris tried to take Joseph back and she went mad and squeezed him half to death. it was like a tug of war! she just wouldnt let go, and clutched him so tight it took two adults to struggle to get joseph away from his crazy sister! This is a photo of her squeezing him! But seriously, I couldnt stop smiling. It was so adorable watching her sitting there with him. Shes so good with him. And to think I was worried about how she'd react! Whenever we're out and about, she'll be talking to strangers, and showing them her little brother, pointing to the other side of the stroller and repeatedly saying baby. and whenever someone comes to visit, she'll take their hand at the door, and drag them to wherever joseph is and show them her baby. The thing with that is, she always knows which room he is in, even if they havent been in the same room for an hour or so. Heres my new siggy...
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Bridget said...


Jodi Steele said...

That was the most wonderful part of bringing Hana home too - Liam absolutely adores her. Hana adores him too - her eyes track him around the room and her head swings in the direction of his voice. He's obviously VERY interesting. I'm so glad that I've been able to give my Firefly a sibling and I love watching them every day. Congrats and hugs!

MissRae said...

Ella looks like a little porcelain doll in the first picture. I love her expression! Kaiana was the same when Kameron was born. She still seems to think he's her baby sometimes, and he's almost three!!!