Tuesday, January 31, 2006

some new siggy stuffs...

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I forgot to tell you all...

HE PASSED! He thought he'd failed because he crashed into the curb, but nope, he passed! Im so proud of him. He is still in shock 24 hours later.

And Sarah. I had to LOL! you wreckless driver! haha! Im sure when its my turn, I will beat your 6 attempts... Im gonna give myself at least 8 fails before I even think about passing. I can just sense it in my veins.

Valerie's Day...

Today is Valeries Day for winning... or losing, even. i thought i'd have a go at the whole nipple stimulation thing. JEEEEEEEEZ Man! That brought on a couple of DARN painful contractions! YOUCH! so i have stopped doing it! lol. It wont cause me to go into labour, it'll just cause me unneccesary pain, so whats the point?! I have had HEARTBURN all morning too. UGH!

And Happy Birthday Dennae!

Last night we went to visit baby morgan. She is the tiniest baby I have ever held. She was 5lb 2oz at birth, and 8 days old. so she was a little dot! ella got very excited when she first saw her. she stood staring in amazement because this dolly was REAL! it MOVED!... she soon got bored though. And didnt even get jealous when I held Morgan. Daddy though... well thats a different story! Ella went MAD! SHE wanted to sit on daddys lap, not morgan! lol. I guess I am unimportant! ha.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Shelly's Day...

Shelly will win if I have the baby today.

Chris has his driving test in 2 hours. FOURTH attempt. MIL is being a bitch and keeps yelling at him that he HAS TO PASS and she's done that every time. He's come home devastated because he's failed, and what does she do. Shout at him and point out that her and FIL passed first time. THE KID NEEDS A HUG NOT A SCALDING! grrrr! so im hoping, for his sake, that he passes today. He's a great driver, but they are SO STRICT over here. Perfection is required or you fail! and heck, noones perfect. So fingers crossed todays the day! I'll let y'all know anyhow!

I feel better this morning, after lots of virtual hugs (thanks everyone!) and a good nights sleep. Its just horrible to think, as i look out the window, that Lily is buried way up the garden instead of running around in her hutch like usual. Its strange. Shes gone. Everyone has their time I guess. And Im grateful Ella is not old enough to understand!!!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Goodbye Lily. I love you.

After a day out shopping in Birmingham, I came home skipping and dancing. I had saved the pineapple leaves for Lily, so I ran out to see to her and theres was no movement in the hutch. I looked around and saw her lying there... dead. Im a bit broken up about it atm. I know its just a rabbit and it could be much worse, but I still loved her, and its not nice to lose someone you love, right?! Chris has buried her. It hurts a lot. I dont like this. I dont even have any pics of her. This is the best I can do...

Heather of the Humeckys Day....

Its not happenin darling! lol.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Karens Day... The sun has not yet risen...

...but I am here. I have been awake since 2am. its now 5.10am. I was having some BAAAAD pains, but theyve subsided now... but heck check me out with my bloody show! lol. I dont know what that means, but it seemed to excite Cindy!

Chris is still sleeping.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Paula's Day...

If baby arrives today, Paula will win.

Yesterday I walked for upwards of 5 hours, and I had a whole fresh pineapple to myself (gosh my lips and mouth STUNG last night)... so if you're trying to induce labour, neither of those work, because Im still large and pregnant :)

But GOSH was that pineapple nice! And a bargain! only 99p!!!

Well just going to drop Ella off and pay some bills. I should be leaving my house right about now, but neither of us are even dressed! ARGH!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Janet's Day...

Today is the Day of Janet. You shall win your prize if baby appears today!

I had those stupid contractions last night again!

I am going SHOPPING today. Gosh... I feel like I havent been to town for about 10 years! Its gonna be a culture shock! haha.

Gosh... I just have nothing to say. This is so unlike me...

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

My 38 week appointment

BP 110/80 ... that would be high for me on a normal day, but im guessing because we're nearing the end, its gonna go up some anyway! everything fine and hunky dorey. babys head 4/5th engaged. nearly completely there! my next appointment is next Wednesday. Im so happy everything is going well :)

So Jodi... unless some miracle occurs in the next 3 hours... you're out of the running! lol.

Jodi's Day...

Jodi, if baby arrives before 11.59pm GMT, the prize is yours...

gosh every time I woke last night (6-8 times) I was having contractions. EVERY NIGHT without fail, I'll have painful contractions, then I dream I wake in labour... DO I!? nope. haha. Not that I mind, but hey!

Ooh I have my 38 week appointment today. Hey Jodi, you're in with a chance now then! If my BP is raised! But I have no reason to believe it will be! My ankles are a little swollen but thats to be expected. Nothing major like with pg #1. And Ive had some visual disturbances, but only a couple. None this morning. And Im generally feeling fab! So... fingers crossed we're all set :D

So looks like I'll be walking to my appointment today. Thats about 3-4 miles!!! But I have no choice. I have no money for bus fare! Maybe the walk will help with the progression of this baby process.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Daddy's Day...

Today is Daddys day. If baby comes before midnight tonight, Chris wins. So I shall not let that happen. Not that it looks like its going to or anything... but hey! i have 17 days til my due date left after all!

Well I plan to do nothing today. I just cant be bothered :)

Monday, January 23, 2006

Baby Morgan

Steve just came around to drop some boots off for Chris, and pick up some preemie clothes for the baby, and he brought Photos. OMG SHES ADORABLE! She really is a looker! Her poor mummy looked incredibly worn out though, gosh! HUGEOUS bags under her eyes... but a big smile on her face!

As I expected, When we said goodbye and closed the door, Chris starts winging that he wants this baby! Not long now...

Iris' Day...

Today is Iris' day. She shall win the prize if the baby arrives within the next 12 hours 12 mins...

Steve and Vicky had their baby last night. Unfortunately she had to have an emergency c-section, and Steve said she'd been through a hard time. I feel so bad for her. Im not sure why she had to have it, but she was induced, and shes only a skinny little thing... The babys name is Morgan, and she weighs 5lbs 2oz at 37 weeks.

Chris was texting Steve this morning, and then after their conversation he went in a mood and said he wanted his baby now! LOL! I think he's a little jealous! "Can we have the baby now please?" ... Unfortunately its not quite as simple as that... but I did get extra sex because I said that helps! LMAO!!!

I had some painful contractions which woke me last night. Only about 4. But we're getting closer and closer!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Link to the bets...

And if you want to see whos got what date, as we're getting closer to the big day, heres a link to the original post with all of the dates...

If you're not on there, and want to be, just drop me a line!

My Painful BH :(

These bleeding Braxton Hicks are getting more and more painful by the day. I dont mind the pain of labour, but JEEZ whats the point in being in pain now. Im not getting anything out of it! lol.

We just watched American Idol. I found it really quite amusing. Simon Cowell is sooo much funnier when he's ripping the piss out of Americans rather than Brits! Gosh... that man must be LOADED!

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Ella went to bed an hour and a half ago... she is still awake.

I've decided Dylan is a nice boys name. Its not up to me what our baby is called though, so I'll just keep mentioning the name Dylan. Chris likes it, but theres names he likes more... But I prefer Dylan to all of them. Its just appeared out of the blue today on my 500th quest through the battered copy of one of our baby name books.

Well Chris and his dad fixed the leaky tap today, so guess what... IM GONNA HAVE A BATH :D!!! I have to wait for Ella to drop off to sleep first though, otherwise I'll disturb her as she is right next to the bathroom.

RIP little mousey

Our rodent friend has departed from our land.


Saturday, January 21, 2006

My Bathtime Disaster

So no Ella tonight. GREAT! I can try and have the most relaxing evening I am going to get in a looooooooong time! So, Chris makes dinner! Which I have a beer with! And we sit and watch a movie. Then the plan is bath, and some lovin', lol...

So I go to run my bath... I forgot about it and left it running, but i caught it in the nick of time! 30 seconds later and we'd have been flooded! so when i get in its too cold. I then had to spend 20 mins readjusting the temperature of the bath so that it was just right. I put a CD on, and after two songs... it breaks. all this followed by my cold tap which suddenly decides to "leak" but its not just a drip... its gushing!!! So I have to get out of the bath. Talk about pissed off! Gosh! I only wanted a bath for petes sake!

I wonder what Steve and Vicky are doing right now... shes being induced tomorrow. They must be so excited!

Friday, January 20, 2006

New Shoes

So today we went and bought Ella some new shoes... Nice expensive new shoes. But they are freakin' adorable!

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I have drank lots of coke today, but need more right now. Im feeling kinda anxious because Chris isnt here. He's gone to Birmingham for his friends birthday. I know he'll be ridiculously drunk, and I have some sort of freakish phobia or paranoia about people who've been drinking. I cant stand to talk to them or be around them. I dont know whats with that. Probably down to the fact of my childhood. My mums BF used to get incredibly violent when he'd been drinking. He's still a dick when he drinks. I guess that just makes me a little more nervous. KWIM!? Chris understands, but I cant stop him having a good time.

I have been reading about castor oil, for a few weeks time, if i get that desperate! haha. I found the funniest statement ever!

"There is a vegetable oil called CASTOR Oil, made from castor beans, which is sometimes used to get labor going or for other medicinal purposes. There is a petroleum product, i.e. motor oil, called Castrol Oil, which could be toxic. Please do not confuse them!"

What woman would think "oooh, petrol. Thats what I need to drink!". Its ridiculous! lol.

Because I lost all my photoshop Brushes somehow this morning, Cindy sent a link to a fab site with lots of brush sites... Ive been playing with the brushes...
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and here is my newest siggy

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Cheeky Madam! Oh and not only can she climb up onto the highchair, she can sit down in it AND buckle herself in! Gosh - Im starting to get scared! She's just too... climby! lol.

Heather of the N's day...

Welcome to my 37th week of pregnancy :) YAY! Today I am offically full term! I am overjoyed! IM GOING TO HAVE A BIG FAT BABY!

If I have the baby today, Heather of the N's wins a prize. Keep your fingers crossed then Heather, and I'll keep my nipples rollin'. LOL!

And if you fancy a laugh, check this out...
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HAHAHA! Sorry Heather of the K's. Subjecting you to such abuse!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Our Rodent Friend..

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I was sitting doing some online sudoku for the first time when I heard a scuttling to my left. I looked, and to my horror there was a little grey mouse with big ears staring up at me. actually... he quite resembled jerry. I opened my mouth to yell "CHRIS THERES A MOUSE IN HERE, COME QUICK", but it appears I just managed to whisper "...mouse..." in my horror stricken moment! Once the shock wore off... we took some snaps! haha. Its too cute to be frightened off... but if I was more of a scaredy cat regarding mice, heck - JC could have been right, and the baby could have come today! That'd surely scare any woman into labour. it was about a metre away from me. We will set traps tonight, So I shall not be up first in the morning. I dont want to see a dead mouse. And alive one, I can hack... A dead one, especially one I have trapped and killed in my own home, no.

Chris Vent!

Copied and Pasted from the POP!...

chris has gone to get his hair cut cuz hes going out tomorrow night...

im in a mood with him.

he comes in and lounges on the sofa, and i was just starting cleaning, and he was watching me struggle to pick up bits of food ella had flung everywhere. then i went into the kitchen and the "bin" (is that an english word?!) was full so I call "Chris could you take this rubbish out for me please?!" "yep" .... *i wait... cradling all the food and crap and paper and sht in my arms... "Chris?!" "WHAT!?" "the bin?" "yea....?" "could u take it out please?!" "NOT NOW!"

oh sorry - i forgot that it was more important to sit on your fat backside watching scrubs! cant possible miss 30 seconds of it to take the trash out!

THEN he comes in moaning about it and saying that I should do it... yadda yadda... Then he goes and sits back down watching tv again... and i had THREE piles of things to take upstairs - clean clothes for our room, clean clothes for ellas room, and a bunch of stuff for the babys room that MIL brought round yday.. so I just pointed at the babys pile and asked if he'd be able to help me with taking it upstairs "OH YEA ILL JUST DO EVERYTHING SHALL I!!?" WTF?!!?!? So i started picking the pile up to take it upstairs and he tells me to leave it, he'll do it later...

F*** later! It needs doing now! he's moaning about the state of the place, but has sat on his backside watching me do everything with my big fat belly getting in the way.

Then I gathered loads of big things to take out to the trash - all the rubbish and boxes and stuff from the shower the other day, and the packaging from ellas toy from valerie, and a few bags of other rubbish, and i clattered about struggling to get out of the front door, and he came out and said "oi dont do that, i'll do it. thats my job" "no its ok, i can do it on my own" "here let me help" "no."

gosh - talk about mood swings from me! ha.

so now im gonna go walk around the shop with ella, and walk past the barbers where he'll be getting his hair cut so he can see that ive even had to take our poor lil girl out in the freezing cold!

actually no, scrap that idea, ill wait for him to come home. if he's a gentleman he'll bring me home a can of coke and some chocolate. if he does, he gets brownie points, if he doesnt, ill march ella around to the shops then!

Mummy, I can climb!

Yesterday Ella discovered a way to get into her highchair... via the sofa. I went to the toilet, and when I came back, this is what greeted my eyes...

Steve and Vicky's Baby...

Steve (Chris' work friend) and Vicky are being induced on Sunday. Shes got itchy hand and foot syndrome or whatever its called. She'll be 37 weeks.

JC's day

Today is the day for JC. Its been an agonising week or so, as JC has battled against my own motherly instinct in insisting that the babys arrival will be today...

Well Im still here my love. I dont think the Prize will be heading to Newfoundland!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I actually had a 37 week appointment!!

I never thought this day would come where I'd actually be having antenatal appointments so close to term!!! lol. And it was great. BP 110/74. No protien. Baby head down. My next appointment next Wednesday, at 38 weeks!!! YAY! Im over the moon! Im just so excited that its actually looking very likely I wont have BP problems therefore shouldnt be induced and I can go into labour naturally on my own :):):) And Im enjoying being pregnant now, so I dnt mind staying pregnant for as long as is necessary!

For those who havent placed any bets yet... try going beyond the 10th! If I take after my mother, and my mothers mother, this baby will be staying put til the bitter end!

Oh and Chris is coming home tonight! YAY! It just gets better and better doesnt it?!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Nothing exciting to say

But I havent blogged today. I dont want anyone to worry that Im not here!!!

Contractions have pretty much gone again. So much fun. haha.

I have an appointment tomorrow. 2.30pm GMT. My feet are swollen today. Im hoping its just me being pregnant :) and not my BP! I'll let y'all know how it went.

Maybe the midwife will be a little clearer on where the baby is lying now! "its breech... but its heads engaged" wth are you on about woman! haha. Im pretty sure its heads down there. I get that pressure when Im walking, or jumping, or sometimes just at random.

24 days to go...

Seeing as this was a boring post, I think I'll add this.
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Monday, January 16, 2006

Want a laugh?!

I just found this pic from Christmas of me and Ella. I am totally cracking up here!!! What the heck are we doing!? What the heck am I doing?!!

Been awake since 3am

thanks to some relatively painful contractions... Im timing them...


Chris is about to leave for work, and not be back til Wednesday evening. WTF!?!?! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Coombe Abbey

We went to Coombe Abbey Country Park today. Ella fed the ducks. I kept getting hormonal. I have a phobia of water, and theres lakes and running water everywhere, so I kept freaking. And then MIL sticks Ella on some huge climbing thing in the adventure playground, and shes up 6.5ft in the air about to nose dive head first down this slide because she doesnt know how else to get out! And so I SCREAMED at the top of my voice "SHES GONNA FALL!" and then once someone had got a hold of her and she was safe, MIL casually chimed up "shes fine!" and I couldnt help but yell "oh yea! she was about to nosedive down the slide and seriously hurt herself. of course shes fine!" then she went to put her on something else and I had to take Ella off her and say that these werent suitable for her age. Then when we were getting close to the lake, I asked for Ella to be put in the stroller and MIL is there, as always, "No, she'll be fine, we're all here!" Thinking it was just due to my phobia of water that I didnt want Ella roaming free... No, shes 19 months old, and would really LOVE to leap at the ducks. "Its shallow enough if she falls anyway" WTF!? so I started strapping Ella into the stroller and she kicked up a fuss and screamed her head off. MIL is there "awww the poor thing, she'll be fine walking!" "YES, and she'll be fine in the stroller too!" Erm... who's her mother?! I AM! jeez!

Why did this irritate me?!

We were at the ILs last night, and it was like... 10.30pm and i was sooo tired cuz of my cleaning yesterday. And MIL decides its time to discuss baby names. Chris has now picked his baby name (Isabel) and I told him we couldnt tell people what the name was before the baby was born. A few weeks ago we decided on Mary. I found out last night that Chris had told his mother, who then said she hated it, which is why he suddenly turned to hate it. So theres Chris wanting to tell everyone his girls name. And theres MIL yelling at him to tell her. GRRRR! Anyway, Chris said that he needed help with boys names. So MIL demands we have an Irish name. Apparently Ive "married into a deeply Irish culture". WHATEVER! that DOESNT mean I have to have an Irish name. So they're all coming out with stuff like Podrig and Finbar and goodness knows what else. I was repulsed to say the least. Like its up to them anyway?! So theres his mum saying "It has to be Finn or Ethan". NO IT DOESNT! its nothing to do with you what I name my child. You just dont understand how PUSHY she was being. And I was repeatedly asking Chris if we could go home because I was tired, and he'd say YEA and then ignore me. I didnt get home til about midnight! GRRRRR!!!! And because I was "getting upset" about people telling me what to name my child and demanding to know what girls name we have, Chris decided to inform me that he chose Isaac as a boys name to surprise me, but he wont now! because i didnt like his mothesr name choices. does he not see how pushy she is. and she still waffles on about my "american cult" ... ERM... P*SS OFF!!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2006


NOPE! But I have been cleaning today! With Chris' help of course! The house looks lovely now. And the babys room is done. Gosh i SOOOO didnt enjoy it, and I dont even feel good about having done it. I wish I was nesting. *sob*

Oh and Chris had a go on the breast pump! He was walking around, pumping on his man boobs. FOOL!

The bets are being placed...

...theres a prize for the winner...

Jan 19: JC
Jan 20: Heather of the N's
Jan 23: Iris
Jan 25: Jodi
Jan 26: Janet
Jan 27: Paula
Jan 28: Karen
Jan 29: Heather of the H's
Jan 30: Shelly
Jan 31: Valerie
Feb 1: Trish
Feb 2: Chelsea
Feb 3: Ana
Feb 4: Tricia
Feb 5: Jen
Feb 6: Sarah
Feb 7: Jess
Feb 8: Heather of the K's
Feb 9: Kelly
Feb 10: Angelique
Feb 11: R
Feb 12: Sara
Feb 13: Christine
Feb 14: Cindy

PLACE YOUR BETS NOW! (I will edit as dates are added!)

Friday, January 13, 2006

The mystery of the box...

BABY SHOWER!!!! YES ME! I HAD A BABY SHOWER!!!! Shipped all the way from the USA! How lucky am i?! Oh Im SOOOO Spoilt!!!! THANK YOU EVERYONE!

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It's Friday the 13th!

And today Ella is 19 months old :) ahhhh such a big girl!

And today also, my contractions have subsided.

And today also, IM 36 WEEKS!

We're having a good day so far, arent we?! And ive not even been awake an hour!

Theres been a meningitis outbreak at my mums school, and we found a rash on Ellas back the other day, so now my mum is freaking. It seems more like dry skin to me. So I'll be keeping an eye on that just to be on the safe side! And if these contractions persist (which they dont appear to be) I will call L&D and just ask what they think I should do.

I really want some chocolate, but we have NONE! ugh! I'll have to have a yoghurt or an ice lolly instead. I need SOMETHING sweet! Or I might get dressed and walk to the shop :) and get myself some choccy!!!! I doubt that option though! Im just too Lazy!

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Im not allowed to open it though. I dont know when I am. UGH! good job that doesnt suck major. $62 shipping! sheesh.


Thought I may aswell share my contraction timings! haha.
So nice and random :) What do they call this?! False labour or something?! Im having fun! haha! I doubt the real thing will be quite so enjoyable though.

The joys of pregnancy

I'd have thought they'd have gone by now... but nope. im still having contractions at random intervals. what is this child up to in there?!

Chris wont be home til 6.30pm tonight :( Thats too late. I dont want to be lonely.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

"in labour"

im in labour, according to the pop girls! lol. im now questionning a "urine" accident. could it have been my waters?!?! *mystical music plays here*. due to the fact i doubt it, i am going to spend some time with my love who has just returned home, and my mother who is shortly to arrive, and my baby who is plodding around saying "baby" oh shes such a clever girly wirly!!!

What a way to wake...

At about 7am I was awoken by the nastiest contraction I have ever experienced. Having had an epidural with Ella, I doubt thats too difficult an achievement! heh. I almost crapped myself there and then. But I didnt (thank goodness... wouldnt want to be cleaning that up!) and after about 2 mins it went away. I went back to sleep and the same happened at 8am. And Ive been getting strong braxton hicks all morning. WAHOO for pregnancy *grrr*. Only 30 days to go... not long left... I can do this... I can survive! lol.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

my new aim...

to create my own design for my blog...

as much as i like to think I can do it... I know I cant! lol.

ETA: I done it! what do u think of my pinko stripes and spots?!!?!?!?
ETA: You probably dont think much of the stripes and spots, as i changed them! haha! Tricia gave me the idea of sage green and pink - and this is what i came up with.

Besides... if I have a boy - pink wont work!

The midwife has just left...

...and i am so very happy right now! My BP is completely normal!!! 100/60!!! It hasnt been that low all pregnancy, I dont think! LOL! And NO PROTEIN! If I had a bra on, I'd jump up and down with glee, but i dont, and id rather not suffocate myself!

She said shes not sure of the babys position, and shes worried it could be breech. if she is still unsure at my appointment next week (37 weeks!!!!!!) then she'll send me for a u/s. i wanted to make it to the end with NO MORE U/S'S!!!! I dont want to accidently see my childs gender-telling parts!

So all is well! although now i have no excuse to not to the cleaning/cooking/etc...

A kick up the backside

Chris just rang me to tell me Steve (who he works with)'s girlfriend went into labour last night. She is due the day after me! *gulp* I think I need to start getting my baby stuff ready!!!

Shes only got a tiny belly though, so Im worried the baby might be really dinky, and prob have to stay in NICU. I know how horrible that is. UGH! Fingers crossed, eh!


The 10th can only mean one thing...

ONE MONTH TIL MY DUE DATE! I cant believe I've got here... finally. gosh. Now I want to rewind a hundred days or so. Im so not ready to be a mum again! ugh.

My baby (i can only call her that for a very short while now, so i will call her it constantly!) is currently trashing my house. Im on a mission to get her saying at least 5 words in the next few weeks. she now says "baby". 1 down, 4 to go. she is now sweeping the floor. silly child!

The midwife is meant to be coming today to check my BP. If all is well, then thats me til my 37 week appointment! Then I'll be FULL TERM! If today goes well (which Im confident it will) then I pass the point at which I had Ella! And hopefully I wont have that horrid hospital stay I had last time.

Me and Ella Baby need feeding, so I shall go do that! CIAO!

Monday, January 09, 2006

Oh how I long to nest...

I long to clean! CLEANY CLEANY CLEAN ! My house is a state! Ella is drawing some thank you cards for some gifts she got, and what am i doing? LOOKING at the mess this house is in. when I should be CLEANING the mess. BUT I CLEANED IT THIS MORNING!!!!!!! Ella is an evil mess-maker. And I dont think I help either.

Ella will be going to bed shortly. Hopefully I will get something done then.

Anyone want to clean my abode?

*sniff* ahhhh pretty

My Ever-growing Belly!

My oh My! I am in shock right now. Unfortunately Chris is working away atm, and I havent had a belly pic taken this week, so i set out to do so myself. AND ITS SCARY! I dont realise Im quite this large when I look down at just that top view of my bump that I am so used to seeing.

Heres me and my attractive features last week at 34 weeks

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And heres me and my hugeos bumpos at 35 weeks

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Im betting the stretch mark fairy will pay me a visit soon! And to think Im desperate to go full-term! LOL! I must be mad!

So what do you think is in there? Boy? Girl? Apparently some people can tell by "the way you're carrying". Please... fill me in!