Monday, February 27, 2006


My Ella slideshow. I made this in November, so its not very up-to-date

My Joseph slideshow.

Some pics of my baby girl!

Heres some pics from yesterday.

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Gosh its been a while...

like... 2 days or something?! thats crazy for me!

Well yes... Ive been SICK! ugh. It appears I have swollen tonsils. That just keep swelling. BAH!

Friday night I went out! with my friend kirsty! It was pretty good actually! I found £25 on the floor! Bonus! So bought a large amount of alcohol. OOPS! lol.

Yesterday we went to Chris' cousins confirmation. I felt like a big bag of shit and I have strong views about christianity and dont agree with a lot of the catholic teachings. nothin against catholics!!! I am marrying into a very catholic family, and my dads family are catholic. But I had to bite my tongue a few times during the service.

Oh, on Saturday night Chris went to pick his mum and dad up from their friends at midnight, because they'd been drinking, and Chris said

"My mum said some things I never thought I'd hear her say!"
"what about?"
"she thinks the sun shines out your arse!"

Ok so then he went on to say how she was saying how great I was and how attractive I was, and how I have great boobs... WTF???!!! and how intelligent i am, and what a great mother I am, and ive got a cool mum and dad... etc etc. I thought the hatred was meant to be a mutual thing?

Anyway... that me up-to-date!

Friday, February 24, 2006

Thank you Paula!

Paula sent Joey the most GORGEOUS blanket ever, and sent these "woof woof"s for Ella. She has not let go all morning!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

how do i find time

to make siggys? somehow I do!

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My First Day Alone...

Chris is back to work today. I am alone. *sob* So far, so good. And its almost time for Ellas nap! *phewph*. Shes quite good really. She keeps herself occupied. Very independant! She's such a great big sister too. Everyday she does something else which makes me heart melt! She came wandering up to me the other day as I was holding Joseph, and she put a bib around his chin, then went and got the bottle Chris had just made up, and came and shoved the bottle in Josephs mouth! It was so cute! But what made it even cuter, was when Joseph started dribbling milk down his chin, she took the bottle out, and took the bib, and wiped his chin! OMG I melted! She is just so sweet! I never thought such a boysterous toddler could be so loving! She really has stunned me!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

My Babies

Yes... thats Ella in Joeys car seat! She likes it in there! lol. I just love this pic! :)

Some Sigs...

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Monday, February 20, 2006

Tired.... GRRRR MEN!

Joey woke 4 times last night. no growlin at him though. He done wonderfully. Ate what he watedand went back to sleep no problem! Chris of course, doesnt wake up at all. But twice Joey screamed so loud he actually did stir. Well he wakes up this morning and claims that he got up and sat up with me twice... now hold on a minute. since when has flickering eyes for 5 seconds been sittin up awake with me? So 8 o clock comes round and Joeys hungry, so I tell Chris "Im having a lie in. Feed Joseph." oooh I was so proud of my sternness! And Ella was awake running wild around her room anyway so he could get up with the pair of them... nope, he feeds joey 2oz, then puts him to bed unsettled and goes back to sleep. so theres joey whining (although asleep), how am i meant to sleep then? So I asked Chris to get up with him "why? he's fine. go back to sleep"... so, i had to get up with him myself! Im exhausted. I'd just like to be able to sleep for an hour or two knowing that im not on call! KWIM? THEN the man has the cheek to say "well I need a lie in one day this week. im knackered!" oh right ok. thats fair. i want to scream. Im just so tired.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

My Sleeping Smiler :)

Ok... So yesterday Joey smiled. Yes i know what you're all thinking... GAS! nope! He was looking right at me and i was tickling his chin and saying "whos a handsome buggar?!" *grin* "is joey a handsome buggar?" *grin*. 11 days old! Mind you, my friends son was smiling CONSTANTLY at 2 weeks old. I thought that was like... impossible!

So I tell MIL "nope. thats wind." "no, he was really smiling" "nope. he cannot focus. how can he smile" Oh sorry ye fount of all knowledge! *shows MIL the finger* ok - so i didnt, but i'd have liked to. I cant wait for her to see the smile, and PROVE HER WRONG! cow.

Last night Joey woke a staggering... twice! OMG! The first time Ella woke only twice was at 18 m/o! Seriously... I was stunned! My wonderfully little sleeper. I hope he keeps it up. He seems to be learning the difference between day and night! YAY!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ella held Joey

It was the funniest thing ever! she sat with him on her lap and she was pointing at his nose and his toes and his head and his belly and just saying baby over and over again. after about 2 or 3 mins, chris tried to take Joseph back and she went mad and squeezed him half to death. it was like a tug of war! she just wouldnt let go, and clutched him so tight it took two adults to struggle to get joseph away from his crazy sister! This is a photo of her squeezing him! But seriously, I couldnt stop smiling. It was so adorable watching her sitting there with him. Shes so good with him. And to think I was worried about how she'd react! Whenever we're out and about, she'll be talking to strangers, and showing them her little brother, pointing to the other side of the stroller and repeatedly saying baby. and whenever someone comes to visit, she'll take their hand at the door, and drag them to wherever joseph is and show them her baby. The thing with that is, she always knows which room he is in, even if they havent been in the same room for an hour or so. Heres my new siggy...
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Monday, February 13, 2006

My Fatso!

Day 6. The midwife was explaining how they lose weight in the first week, yadda yadda...

"So how much was he born?"
"no, 7-12"
"oh wow - hes 8lbs 1oz already!"

Yay! My little chubber dubber!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Bouncy Chair

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This morning was bathtime. Ella helped me to wash Joeys hair. She was patting it dry with her towel.
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And surprisingly, Joey didnt cry while he was in the water. he made a huge roaring fuss every time he was bathed at the hospital!
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Daddy and Joseph

awwww I love them so much! my little men! Chris seems to think Joey has a conspiracy against him. Whenever I feed him he'll take 3-4 ounces. Whenever Chris feeds him he'll only take 1-2.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Big Sister!

I didnt manage to get any photos (this is how out-of-sorts I am at the moment! ugh!) but today was Ella and Joeys first day together. Ella really wasnt phased, as we walked into the house with him. I put the car seat down on the floor, and she went and crouched down repeating "whos that whos that whos that" over and over... she was rocking the car seat, tickling his feet, and stroking him. then she unzipped his coat and asked me to take it off him. She'd be interested in him for 5 mins, and then just not even notice he was there. Our landlord came around today to see Joseph, and bring gifts for him and Ella. When I opened the door to her, Ella went running up and started shouting for her to go look! "ohh ohh" (means look, look)... and our poor landlord was dragged by Ella into the front room so Ella could show her her new little brother. It was sort of like... Ella just knew that he was her baby brother. She wasnt confused or insanely excited. Just how any sibling in-the-know would be. Maybe shes more intelligent than I think! lol.

He's HERE!!!!

Ok after that last post, MIL and Chris came around and I sat in absoulte silence. gritting my teeth whenever I had a contraction to show MIL I didnt need her there. She kept quizzing me "where are the pains? how bad are they?!" well both her and Chris moaned that they'd come out of work (erm, i didnt ask for them to!) and I wasnt even in labour. Chris still didnt believe me when at about 4.30 i said maybe i should go get checked at L&D. he also still didnt believe me when the midiwife checked me at about 5.30 and said there was no change. He had no choice but to believe me when by 7pm i was crying my eyes out. And 8pm when I was yelling that it hurt. And 9pm when I was demanding they break my waters cause I HAD to push. And 9.06pm when a baby popped out!

Joseph Thomas was born at 21.06 on the 7th February 2006 weighing 7lbs 12.5oz, 53cm long. Here he is...

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theres lots of pics at

Once my life settles a little in say, a week or two, i shall return to my ever-updating ways! but for now theres just far too much to do! argh!!!!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I hate getting angry. Sometimes i get so angry it all boils up in my blood and i scream and want to decapitate someones head. this is very rare, although it has happened twice in 3 days. eek!

So Chris rings MIL just to let her know that Im having a few painful contractions. She will be our transport to the hospital, so its only intelligent that he give her some warning (bare in mind I dont plan to go to the hospital for hours yet. im perfectly fine here. the pain is more than bearable, and i was told to wait til i couldnt hack it any more to go in. Im not hanging around for nothing again!)

Well... MIL takes it upon herself to decide that she needs to get me to the hospital, so packs up at work and tell chris to let me know shes on her way. I DO NOT INTEND TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL! the fact that I have just put Ella up for a nap kinda reinforces that fact!!! and I also thought I could get a few hours shut eye in too. But no. MIL insists she is coming around. And nothing Chris says can stop her. FUCK YOU! if I need anyone here its Chris or MY mum! GRRRR! and now Chris is on his way home from work. Erm... hello... I dont need anyone here! But now they're both coming to have a party with me.

For fucks sake, I just so angry.

I said I wanted pain...

...and now Ive got it. Im enjoying it at this level while I still can. Its all through my lower back about every 10 mins. I feel like a piece of crap now. Im making me and Ella something to eat, and then Im going to get dressed and clean the house, go for a SHORT walk (not the 10 miles or so i walked yday!) just so I can get out of the house. i need to pass some time before ellas nap!

Jess's Day...

So I was woken in the night with contractions. theyre really quite intense now. but theyre not regulating! they were 8 mins apart yesterday evening for 3 hours. then they just stopped.

just had one then. i have to breathe through them. and stop whatever Im doing. good, right?! NO! BECAUSE THEY'RE JUST COMING AT RANDOM WHEN THEY FEEL LIKE IT!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Im so silly... I just keep crying!!!...

Please dont ask why Im crying
Its not because Im mad
Its not because Im hurting
Its not because Im sad

These are the hardest days
Knowing its so near
The seconds seem like minutes now
And each day like a year

I really want to hold you
To kiss your little nose
And feel you softly breathing
And count your tiny toes

But I'll wipe away my tears
Because I ought to be
Happy that I've got you
Curled up inside of me

I promise I'll now smile
And enjoy this special time
Cuz it's only for these days
That you're mine, and only mine

Sarah's Day...

Well Im still here!

Last night i drifted off about 9.30pm, and then at 10pm was woken by this dreadful feeling. it was like... some sickness sort of feeling. so I hung around in the bathroom for 15 mins waiting to vomit, but nothing was happening. when I went back to bed and lay down it got worse. So i wake Chris up, and he just falls back to sleep, and I wake him again and he said "soz, but im tired!" "AND SO AM I!" so i went and slept on the sofa! lol. it was much better because i was upright and this horrid feeling was settled when I was upright. I slept til 4am, and then went back up to bed and managed to sleep til Ella woke just now.

Talk about feeling pressure down there! The baby is LOW! Theres no doubt about it!

So Ella and I are going to get dressed, and I hope to be out of the house by 9.30 (its 8.42 now) and off walking!

Hopefully I wont be updating you later! lol.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Jen's Day...

when we all thought she'd win.... NOPE! although theres still 3.5 hours left! hehe.

we were up at 5am and went to L&D. there was no change when they examined me and the midwife just said complete opposite things to what i was told yesterday. It appears my labour has stalled. WOO FUN!

but you'd think at 5cm they'd help me along a bit? break my waters at least! but no...

here i am back at home. I am glad to be here and not there. They said they'd like me to stay there incase anything happened... but theres nothing i can do there to get it going again. I can do the sex, bath, walk thing here lol!

Ive started getting contractions again. Theyre coming, but in no pattern. Theyre strongish too. Maybe not to the point of being called painful, but hey - i got this far without any pain, whos saying i cant go further!

been for a walk, had sex, will have more sex, and sleep lots tonight, and then me and ella will spend ALL of tomorrow walking! LMAO! i will walk til something starts happening! seriously! i plan on exploring the city! hehe. Chris is going to work but he's only going to be half an hour away so that doesnt worry me.

my nipples are sore. i cannot stimulate them anymore! lmao! i shall now leave them be until baby gnaws them raw! they deserve a days rest at least, until they have real work to do!

im very very tired. so I apologise if I fail to update! I'll do my best though :)

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Guess the Weight....

Ok it appears we have another fun game! LOL... guess the weight!!!!

7lbs 6oz - Jen
7lbs 8oz - Chelsea
7lbs 14oz - JC
8lbs 1oz - Shelly
8lbs 2oz - Heather of the N's
8lbs 7oz - Cindy

Tricia's Day...

so i wake up with a headache. not too bad. but i called L&D because the fact that i hadnt been to my appointment worried me. i just assumed they'd check me over and send me home, so chris dropped me at the hospital at 9am, but i told him there was no need for him to come in with me because he had errands to run, and he could get them done then come pick me back up again.

My BP was fine, no protien either, but it did look as though i had a UTI, so they sent off a specimin. They said they'd monitor the babys heartrate for 20 mins or so, and then I could get home...

Well they began the monitoring, and i lay there, mightly tired as the headache had kept me awake, so i even got to nap while this was going on. about half an hour later, the midwife came in to check, and asked whether or not i could feel these contractions... I said I could feel they were there but they werent painful. but she looked and said they were 11 mins apart exactly, and she'd like to examine me...

So off with the knickers....

"the babys head is low.... very low.... im going to have to go behind the head... cervix is paper thin.... membranes are buldging.... and.... you're a good 5cm!"


So she tells me she'll send me up to the ward when I can have a nice bath and either wait for my waters to break or wait til the contractions were a little closer, as I wasnt in any discomfort so there was no need for the waters to be broken then.

Well basically... I am now home! I thought I'd wait it out here instead, where I can run up and down the stairs as much as I like, and have as many baths as I like, and maybe even attempt a bit of sex... but yea... Im in labour! WOO HOO!

Friday, February 03, 2006

The Van...

well its big... and its a van... but it does the job! lol.

and i even got a bumpy ride out of it to help things along... it was unintentional, but not unwelcome! lol. i guess i shouldnt have expected a smooth ride from a van.

i forgot to buy pineapple. d'oh! but i did remember to buy 12 more cokes :) but how would i forget such an important thing?

so i guess more sex is the only thing for it!

Happy Birthday Iris

oh, and Happy Birthday Iris!!! enjoy your day :)

Ana's Day...

And also my day in the mummy vs daddy bet...

Well Im afraid that it doesnt look like it gonna happen! DOH!

Even though I was sitting in the babys room at 11.30pm unpacking and repacking my hospital bags to check everything was there. lol. I was even folding scratch mits! WHATS WITH THAT!?! lol. I just got freaked out that its one...

ONE WEEK til im due. 1 week. OH my god!

My house is spotless. This NESTING malarky is just wonderful! I LOVE IT! I dont think Ellas diggin it though. She gets a toy out, mummy puts it away again. She gets three books out to read, mummy puts two away - she only needs to read one at a time after all! lol.

Chris is getting a van from work tonight. YAY! he'll be sharing it with steve, but hey - its better than nothing, and the company pays the insurance :) so i dont have to go out anywhere today because we will have the van to go drop ella off at Daniels. IM SO EXCITED!

Actually i might go out for a walk... jump on every third step i take... coax this baby outta me! buy some pineapple. you know the stuff!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Chelsea's Day...

Ok I thought Chelsea would win, because I had a cleaning frenzy last night. Cleaned EVERYWHERE! so unlike me! Even done the dishes and the laundry. Even had Ellas clothes for today laid out just in case we had to leave in the middle of the night! And mine and Chris' too! LOL!

Well I slept lovely last night. No contractions at all. haha. At least my house is clean :)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


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Didnt go to my appt...

Ok so i had a bad bad morning. I dont know why. I was stressing over nothing. It was horrible. I felt out of control of my body because I couldnt control my emotions! ARGH! But I went and checked my BP which was 134/87 (eek) but Im putting that down to the fact I was stressed. Ive cleaned the house up just incase tonight is baby night. lol. I went for a walk too. I feel more in control now than I did earlier.

Trish's Day...

Come on Trish!

Well... as Chris left for work, instead of the usual "I love you, see you later", I got "Do me a favour.... go into labour!" *Manda waves her magic wand*. He seems to think I am delibrately not having this baby.

I have my 39 week appointment today at 2.45. im just gonna get the usual "BP fine, urine fine, measuring fine, any headaches or swelling then call L&D, keep and eyes on movement, see you next week". ugh. give me some excitement woman!

I am SOOOOO tired. Even though Chris and I were in bed at like 9.10pm!!! wth is with that?!? I finally dropped off about an hour afterwards. Ella has started to wake at 7.30 instead of 9.30... not nice. I want to still be sleeping *sob*

I left her awake in bed for like... an hour and a half... then when i finally dragged my lazy arse out of bed, and opened Ellas bedroom door, I nearly had a heart attack. There she was, danging what can only be described as last nights diaper, over the side of the crib! She must have only just taken it off though, because her and the crib were dry :) phewph! my fault for being lazy i guess!