Tuesday, April 25, 2006

say cheese!

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ooh yes, Yesterday was PHOTO DAY! I took 114 pics of the Joe-meister! yup im crazy.

Today we done nothing. lol. woo im full of exciting news arent i?!

Tomorrow I am having a huge house-clean! because mummy is coming round after work, and shes a cleanliness queen... and well... i take after my dad! LOL! Ellas new fun thing is to empty all four toyboxes we have downstairs, so she can sit in the boxes and walk around with them on her head and things... so this back room is just..... a sea of toys... with 4 boxes floating on top. UGH! wish me luck!


Sarah Leigh said...

wow! way to update! lol love the pics!

Kim said...

Great pictures!

Bennison said...

those are the cutest pictures!!!
Heather (pypersmommy)

ana said...

Joey is seriously one of the cutest babies I have ever seen! What a little ham!