Thursday, August 10, 2006

Say NO to House Hunting

You know you have all these protests and stuff "SAY NO TO ANIMAL CRUELTY" etc etc... There should be one about house-hunting. I vote, it should be banned. How could anyone LIKE house hunting????

Ok... so Im pretty sure I'd LOVE it if i wasnt so bitter about having to leave this place behind. We were going to buy this house which is rented atm, but it appears MILs calculationg were incorrect, and I was being led astray! Turns out we cannot afford it. Any house less than the price we were going to pay for this one, is either a really horrid house, or in a scary unsafe horrible location, so im not happy.

Here is one we're going to view tomorrow night

Its a small village about 15 min drive from here, but it mustnt be a very nice area, as all the houses there are really cheap. I dont know though, I've never been there, so we will see tomorrow. I've been looking at the local school report, and its not outstanding, but its not terrible. Maybe I'll ask a few of the locals tomorrow!

But for now... I must clean!

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