Monday, January 22, 2007

Chris' Mother.

If theres one thing I hate about Chris' mum... like if I could only pick ONE thing... It would be that she will do EVERYTHING in her power to try and check out the whole of the house, and how clean and tidy it is/isnt. And she usually uses Ella to do so. I cannot stand it. I remember when I mentioned it to Chris, and he said he'd never noticed, then she came round the next day, and sure enough, she was in full nosey form!

Yesterday they took the kids to the park. When they came back, they'd bought Ella a little windmill thing. They were basically still standing outside the front door, and Chris' mum says "Ella show mummy what you've got! Shall we go in the garden to show her what it does?"... Garden is ALWAYS her excuse. To get to the garden, you walk through the back room and the kitchen.

I remember once in our old house (where the set up was similar), Ella was having a 2 year olds tantrum. It was a cold, wet, windy day... and what was Chris' mums solution to this tantrum... "Shall we go in the garden Ella?! Get your shoes, and we'll play!"... They were out there literally seconds before deciding it wasn't the right whether (which she knew anyway), and came back in. It only takes a couple of seconds for her to have a good old nose.

So anyway, she puts Ellas windmill in the garden, but Ella cries. Its Ellas windmill. Why would she want it in the garden?

A few mins later... "Ella wee wee potty"... Ella goes to have a wee wee on her potty which is in the front room, but... "hmmm... what a fantastic opportunity to nose at the state of upstairs", thinks Chris' mum, so she says "Ella want to go upstairs to the toilet?" So of course, Ella then wants to go upstairs to have a wee wee. She like... plants the idea into Ella's mind, so that there is no other option. Well... I was so pissed off with what she was doing that I said "no." They both kept trying to go upstairs, and I just started saying NO NO NO NO NO!... Upstairs was very tidy and clean actually, but I was just so annoyed with what she was trying to do that I didnt WANT her to go up there. Had she said SHE needed a wee, then thats a different idea, but she was trying to get up there using Ella.

Anyway, thats my rant done for the weekend. Today has been nice and boring and uneventful, as Monday's always are. Joey is napping, Ella is relaxing with some cheese... Ahhh fun!

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