Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Ellas new words

And how about a real update!

Ella is starting to actually say words now. Today she stunned me saying "Juice" and doing the sign for juice, and also the sign for drink. She has got this off the TV programme called Something Special, which is a guy called Justin, doing signing.

She also said "hot hot hot!" and pointed at the oven yesterday! We say the oven is HOT! so she doesnt touch, but never hot hot hot... then it dawned on us... in big cook little cook, if something is going in the oven big cook ben says "Get your grown up helper to do this for you because remember, the oven is HOT HOT HOT!"

We also learnt what SCISSORS are, and Ella said scissors. I also asked her if she could say shoes, and she went out and got every pair of shoes in the house, gathered them up together in a pile and exclaimed "SHOOOOOOOOE"

she says "mmmm" when she points at her mouth. She knows it starts with an M but doesnt say the outh bit! and she says head... "eah"

if she picks something up thats gross, or goes to touch the bin, or eats something she doesnt like (eg. banana skin) we've always said "yuck dirty!" and shes just said "yuck!" now she says "yuck ditty"

So shes doing great! Im so proud of her.

Oh and at last, after months of trying to teach her the elephant action and sound, she does it!!! she only ever laughed hysterically before! Now she does it and expects us to laugh. ha.

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