Sunday, March 05, 2006

"you can have a lie in tomorrow morning"

says chris last night. Joey woke every hour, and it was me getting up every time. "you should just wake me up and tell me what to do and i'll do it" he says. So finally at 7am, im exhausted. Joey wakes. Chris had said I could have a lie in. So I woke him, we switched sides of the bed... by 7.20am I was back on Joeys side. He cant handle the fact Joey wouldnt go back to sleep. He started F'in and Blindin. "probably because its morning, he's awake now." "well im not going downstairs with him at 7am!" "thats the time he gets up!!!" so i got joseph ready, got ella up, and we all came downstairs. Chris just got up half hour ago (9.45). So much for a lie-in which i REALLY need. MEN!

1 comment:

Jodi Steele said...

Another reason why women have the babies.... I have the same deal here. Course they really do prefer me - prolly because I ummmmmmm respond! Hugs and hope you get a nap....