Sunday, July 30, 2006


If Ella asks for another "lolly lolly lolly" again i will drop the whole freezer on her head. Ok, so I wont, but she can now open the freezer and helps herself to the ice pops. if she cant quite reach, shes tapping me and asking for a lolly lolly lolly lolly and she doesnt quit saying it until you get up and get her one!

Ella and Joey both got new shoes yday. Joey got his first pair. Size 3.5G thats half a size smaller than Ella was when she bought her first walking shoes at about 15 months!!!! BIG FEET! Can you believe I spent £16 on a pair of shoes for a 6 month old?! AM I CRAZY! Theyre so cute though (for the americans thats about $30) Ellas were £25 (£50) and dont even fit right! I pay that much money so that i can be sure theyre fitting right, and they dont! So they shall be returning to the store!

Chris has been away since last sunday, thats SEVEN DAYS, and he comes back next friday. thats another what... 5 days?! I CANNOT HANDLE THIS! He was coming home yday to surprise me, but then everything went wrong and he had to turn back and go to work. He was almost home, he'd driven 3 hours, and then had to drive 3 hours back. WHAT A WASTE! poor thing.

Im going to my lovely MILs for dinner today *ugh*, but she did actually have the decency to call me and ask me if i wanted dinner! First time ever! Maybe the fact that I invited myself last week made her realise that being home without Chris isnt quite as hunky dorey as she thinks. IM HUNGRY DAMMIT!

Joey is currently cooing at me. I have to go to the shop and buy milk *omg i so dont want to* because its Ellas nap time in less than an hour. When I go round to the shops i just take the single stroller, because the double takes to long to put up for just a 3 min journey, and it also doesnt fit in the door of the shop! But this means Ella walks. Which on a good day is not a problem, but today is not a good day. this weekend has not been a good weekend.


Saturday, July 29, 2006

Just a quick pic!

This is just a quick (very random) pic from a couple days ago.

*hangs head in shame*

I would like to apologise to everyone for not updating my blog. I am a slacker. I am sorry *sigh*

I cannot even be bothered to update you all on our goings on, but since my last post...

Ella turned 2,
We're in the process of buying our own home,
Erm... I think thats all thats of any importance

I'll post some pics later :)