Friday, March 31, 2006

The Beach

(ive always wanted to capture a scene like this!)

Essential Sibling Bonding Time

Until the Winnie Pooh Tree...

A little bit of Joey...

Weymouth Pics...

We went to Weymouth this week. It was great. Ella had a whale of a time. We went out to the family bar at night and Ella thoroughly enjoyed playing with all the children. Im looking into nurseries next week. Just for a day or two a week. She needs that interaction with kids her age. Shes getting none.

Some Weymouth pics can be found here...

My Birthday

As of Tuesday, I am officially 19. Lets say *awwww*

Gosh I do apologise

I am so sorry for not updating my blog for like... 3 weeks or something stupid. I dont know why, but Ive completely forgotten about it! but Im back! :)

Friday, March 10, 2006


Just spilled coke all over the keyboard. Im so clumsey!

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Joey's got a new Mummy...

I went out of the room to fetch a bib because Joey was fussing. I told Ella to look after her baby brother, but totally didnt expect this! All of a sudden I heard him screaming, crying... and then silence... I ran into the room to find this! She'd climbed onto the settee, hoisted him to sitting, took the bottle, and started feeding him. As though she does it 10 times a day! It appears Im not needed anymore!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Sunday, March 05, 2006

My beautiful boy

And another one...

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"you can have a lie in tomorrow morning"

says chris last night. Joey woke every hour, and it was me getting up every time. "you should just wake me up and tell me what to do and i'll do it" he says. So finally at 7am, im exhausted. Joey wakes. Chris had said I could have a lie in. So I woke him, we switched sides of the bed... by 7.20am I was back on Joeys side. He cant handle the fact Joey wouldnt go back to sleep. He started F'in and Blindin. "probably because its morning, he's awake now." "well im not going downstairs with him at 7am!" "thats the time he gets up!!!" so i got joseph ready, got ella up, and we all came downstairs. Chris just got up half hour ago (9.45). So much for a lie-in which i REALLY need. MEN!

Friday, March 03, 2006

Another Ella n Joey Sig...

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Oh if only I could explain

How much I love my little guy. He is just... the best! He's so gorgeous. I could kiss his cheeks all day every day. And hes so well behaved which just adds to my wonder. I cant believe that when I was pregnant I was worried (ok, not worried... adament!) that I wouldnt love this little one. How could I not love him? And Im so happy that dont have to give him up for another 18 years :) Ive been on such a high the past 3 weeks just because Im so in love! And it was instant! Completely different to with Ella. You know what I think it is? With Ella they asked if I wanted her lifted straight onto me, or whether I'd like them to wrap her up first. I told them to clean her and wrap her up. So it must have been like 5 mins before I even got to hold her. Then they took her off me, and gave her to my mum for her first feed. WTH? i wasnt asked about that. Although Im not complaining as then she quit breathing because she didnt realise she had to breathe whilst sucking. And then they ran off with her to the NICU and I didnt get to see her til I woke the next morning, and when I went into the NICU I didnt know which baby was mine. Anyway, my point being, I never got any close-ness with Ella in the first hours of her life. I never got that inital bond. It took me a while to fall in love with her. yes, I loved her, but I wasnt in love with her for a few days! With Joey it was instant. They threw him up onto me and I just melted! Even though he was all ugly and scrunched up and covered in blood and gunk... to me he was beautiful! Then I got to just hold him for about two hours before they took him to put an IV in. Then I got to go up to the ward holding him, and then spend the whole night watching him sleep... KWIM!? I had that time with him that I didnt have with Ella. Plus my birth experience was everything Ella's wasnt! It was everything I dreamed it'd be and more! I just cant stop thinking about the birth. its in my head constantly. Am I weird?! Anyway the whole point of this waffle was that I am so in love. I really really love Joseph so so so much. And Im so glad he was a boy. Even though I wanted a girl. I have this sort of... protective mummy-ness going on about me because he's my lil boy! Never had that with Ella. She wont have to deal with the bitches that are women! lol. My poor guy will! hehe. ahhh I cant wait for him to have his first girlfriend :D. ok Im skipping ahead a bit. but hey, I cant help it! lol. So yes. I think I'll shhh now.

Groovy Chick

Check her out! She mustve known she was looking cool, because she then decided to go on a rampage and trash the house! But she looked too cute to shout at! lol.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Thank you Shelly!

Look what Shelly bought for Joey :) Doesnt he look cute!

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